
Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) Drivers

OpenLink High-Performance JDBC Drivers provide transparent access to databases from JDBC compliant Java Applets embedded within a HTML document or Java Applications running within a host operating environment implementation of the Java Virtual Machine.

Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) Drivers

OpenLink High-Performance ODBC Drivers provide transparent access to databases from ODBC compliant Desktop Productivity Tools, Client-Server Applications, and Internet/Web Database Connectivity Middleware products.

Universal DataBase Connectivity SDK

OpenLink UDBC SDK provides a 'C' based database independent API conformant with both the ODBC and original SAG/CLI data access standards. A major benefit of UDBC is its delivery of the ODBC promise without operating system dependencies (i.e. UNIX, VMS, OS/2, MacOS, NT supported equally) or an ODBC Driver Manager .

Databases Supported (by all of the above)

Oracle (6.x/7.x), Informix (4/5/6/7), Sybase (4.x/10.x/11.x), CA-Ingres (6.4 & OpenIngres), Progress (6/7), Unify 2000, and Postgres95.

Installation Guide

The files included on this CD cater for 2 installation scenarios:

Remote Proof Of Concept - This installation format enables you to install our client components on a machine within your network infrastructure and then make connections to a database running within our network infrastructure, all that is required to achieve this is access to the Internet and installation of our client components based on the installation steps depicted below.

Local Proof Of Concept - This installation format enables you to install our client components on a machine within your network infrastructure and then make connections to a database running within your network infrastructure, all that is required to achieve this is installation of our client components and relevant server components based on the installation steps depicted below. Our server components are not included on this CD due to the vast array of database / operating system combinations that we support, these components can be downloaded from our Web Site (http://www.openlinksw.com).

Remote Proof Of Concept Installation

JDBC Client Installation

To install the OpenLink JDBC Client classes, simply add the respective zip file from the list below to a directory of your choice, and ensure this location has been added to the Java 'CLASSPATH' for your Java installation ( this varies depending on which Java implementation you are using).

Note: This Beta will enable you to run JDBC applets from within a WEB Browser, as it uses a set of 'openlink.sql' Driver manager classes, as opposed to the default 'java.sql' Driver manager classes.

Win32 ODBC Client Installation

To install the OpenLink Win32 ODBC Client driver ,please extract the contents of the file 'oplmt32.zip', run setup.exe to start the installer and follow the on screen instructions.

Solaris ODBC Client Installation

To install the OpenLink Solaris ODBC Driver, please download the file 'odbcsol.tar' . Extract the tar file by using the command tar xvf odbcsol.tar, and run the installation script ' install.sh' that is extracted to install the driver. Please refer to the file 'STARTUP.DOC' in the 'doc' directory of the extracted archive for instructions on configuring the driver.

Solaris UDBC Client Installation

To install the OpenLink Solaris UDBC Driver, please download the file 'udbcsol.tar' . Extract the tar file by using the command tar xvf odbcsol.tar, and run the installation script 'install.sh' to install the driver. Please refer to the file 'UDBC.DOC' in the 'doc' directory of the extracted archive for instructions on configuring the driver.

Sample Applications Installation & Configuration

JDBC Sample Application

To activate the sample Java application please perform the following operations:

  • Copy the OpenLink JDBC Client Drivers to $JAVA_ROOT/lib
  • Modify your CLASSPATH Environment Variable to contain a reference to the Client Drivers and driver manager: CLASSPATH=/java/lib/classes.zip:.:/java/lib/opljdbc.zip:/java/jdbc/classes or set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java\lib\classes.zip;c:\java\lib\opljdbc.zip;c:\java\jdbc\classes for NT/95 platforms
  • Ensure that ../java/bin is in the path, and then simply type java sample in the directory where sample.class was installed to see the data. You can modify the query and recompile the sample to see different results.

ODBC Demo Client Applications

Included with the ODBC and UDBC client components are several demonstration applications, to make use of any of these applications in conjunction with our remote database server please do the following :-

  • Create and ODBC or UDBC Data Source with the following properties :-
    • DSN=<A Name Chosen By You>
    • UID=scott
    • PWD=tiger
    • DATABASE=ora7
    • SVT=Oracle 7
    • HOST=oplweb.openlink.co.uk
  • If you are using the ODBC Driver Manager's Data Source Configuration Utility, simply fill in the OpenLink Data Source configuration utility fields in the manner depicted below (use exactly the same entries).

  • Make a connection to your ODBC or UDBC Data Source from one of the sample ODBC or UDBC applications included with your client components installation archive.

Local Proof Of Concept

To facilitate this form of OpenLink data access driver evaluation repeat all of the steps mentioned above in the 'Remote Proof Of Concept' section for the relevant OpenLink client components, then perform the additional instructions below :

  • Download OpenLink Server Components, this is done by visiting Software Download page on our Web Site.